
[ 10/5/2008 10:33:54 PM | Author:gregeastburn100 | From:Original | Weather:Sunny ] Font:Large Middle Small

Hi Bob,

Talked to Judy yesterday, she said you were having a great time! First couple days were tough with the walking from what I understand, but after that its basically motorcycle riding...wondering how that is going?? Viewed the pictures they look fabulous can't imagine the time you are having.

Look forward to speaking to you,


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  • Name:gregeastburn100
  • Sex:male
  • Regeistered Date:10/3/2008
  • Email:greg@nmcinc.biz
  • City:naples


Hi Bob,

Talked to Judy yesterday, she said you were having a great time! First couple days were tough with the walking from what I understand, but after that its basically motorcycle riding...wondering how that is going?? Viewed the pictures they look fabulous can''t imagine the time you are having.

Look forward to speaking to you,


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