All things become official [Previous]

[ 10/18/2008 8:59:44 AM | Author:Jeff Ji | From:Original | Weather:Sunny ] Font:Large Middle Small

Hello, Rider Friends,


I came back from China last Sunday with lots of original newspapers for everyone and inch thick comments, photos and TV clips from web.  I will send you those when I come to York next week. 


We are on Harley Davidson Beijing’s website.  Go to Harley Davidson corporate site and you will find it through the link to Beijing dealer.  


Tony says hi and he puts us in his official site.  I just finished translation for him.  Remember to click every photo to get more.




Our new photos will be loaded next Tue when Amanda comes to the office.  Remember go to


When are we meet again for toast?


Happy Riding. 



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My Biography

  • Name:Jeff Ji
  • Sex:male
  • Regeistered Date:10/4/2008
  • City:Blue Bell


Hello, Every viewers.

Welcome our website. Our trip is widing down. We had a beer party. People are in tears. This event is hard to duplicate. There are too many memorable moments. Name few.

1. Up to 400 policemen have been mobilized to seal every intersection along 1100 kilo. Some are waiting for 2.5 hours. We were treated like Presidential motorcade. I have never seen this before.

2. With 500 miles in my driving history, I was highly encouraged by our Safety Officer, Fred Harris. He passed me for the rally. I survived 2 hours evening driving. I am not afraid of US highway anymore. Feel like to have a new wing. Thank you, Fred.

3. Steve, Manaming Director of Harley Davidson Asia was by my side during that challenging driving, encouraging me to ride on a Dyna. It is a great motorcycle. 2nd Gear can get me up to 40 miles per hour speed. He is right. It is a great bike. Thanks, Steve. Thank you Dick and Jon for the nice compliment.

4.We have entered Qing Dao City today. It was quite a different experience in the city but with fun. Even though we do not have police car in front but thanks to Jim, Fred and Harold, our formation is well maintained. It is quite a scene. We got compliment all the way.

5. I rode 210 Kilometers from Yan Tai to Qing Dao. Thank you Dave for allowing me to drive your 883. It was less than ideal since I have long leg, but riding on the soil where I was born is exciting. Dave, thank you for the thought and the offer.

6. Tomorrow we will close our trip, Ride to Confucius. It is sad but we all have work to do.

7. In our farewell happy hour, Mr. Yan told all that we are invited next March for more rides. Very encouraging. I thank all 11 riders for participating in this historical event. Thanks Haley Davidson for providing all support, in particular the 11 bikes and gifts.

Jim, Wayne Harold and Dave, you are great for helping to put all thing together. It is likely we will continue to toast,,,,,,.


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